Monday, February 18, 2013

orZeku esa gekjk ds’k fiNyh ckj 17 tuojh 2012 dks lquk x;k Fkk A  gekjs ds’k esa cgqr lh vftZ;k nh xbZ gS ftldk tckc jftLV~kj dks tek djk fn;k x;k A  dksVZ esa rkjh[k yxokus ds fy;s cgqr iz;kl fd;s x;s ij O;FZk gq;s vukf/kd`r fuekZ.k jksdus gsrq dbZ iz;kl fd;s x;s vkSj buQkslZesaV fMikVZesaV }kjk dkQh rksm+&qQksM+ Qsl&2 dh xbZ A  Qsl&1 esa tek ikuh dks gVkus o dkyksuh ds fMekdsZ’ku Iyku  ds ckjs esa Hkh foHkkxksa dks  fy[kk x;k A

dqN gekjs mRlkfgr lnL;ksa }kjk futh LokFksZ gsrq fodk’k dk;Z dks eqn~k cuk dj  vU; lnL;ksa dks HjVdkus esa yxs gSa A  bl rjg ds gkykr lssa ekfQ;ksa }kjk dCtk djus dk iz;kl fd;k tk ldrk gS A  gesa ;g Hkh tkudkjh esa vk;k gS fd dqN ,slksfl,’ku ftudk dksVZ esa dsl ugha gS og Hkh viuh oso lkbV ij bl dsl dk mYys[k dj vius lnL;ksa dks xqejkg dj jgs gSa tks  fd ,d tqeZ gS] izkFkZuk gS fd  og u vius o u gekjs lnL;ksa dks xqejkg djsa A

dksVZ dfe’kuj dh fjiksVZ  esa lHkh lPpkbZ gS vkSj fufgr LokFkhZ rRo ubh pkgrs fd fjiksZV  dksVZ ds lkeus vk;s bllss mudh lkjh dybZ [kqy tk;sxh A 17 tjojh 2012 ds ckn dkQh iz;klksa ds ckn 8 Qjojh 2013 dks dPph fyLV esa dsl yxk Fkk ysfdu vfUre le; esa LFkkbZ fyLV ls gVk fn;k x;k vkSj vc lquk tk jgk gS fd ekpZ 2013 dh dPph fyLV esa yx;k tk jgk gS A

,lksf,’ku dh okfiZd cSBd Hkh gksuh ckdh gS ;g foi; fn0 9&2&13 dks dk; dh cSBd esa j[kk x;k Fkk ysfdu ikl fd;k x;k fd u;s odhyks o ubZ  dksVZ dh csp dh vksj /;ku igys fn;k tk; mlds  rRdky ckn gh okfiZd cSBd dh tk; A

fiNyh okfIkZd cSBd esa fuosnu fd;k x;k Fkk fd lHkh lnL; vius bZ&esy ,lksfl,’ku dks Hksts rkfd gj lwpuk rqjUr lh/ks mUgsa nh tk lds ysfdu dqN dks NksM+dj vU; lnL;ksa us ,slk ugha fd;k A vr% viuk bZ&esy rqjUr Hksts A

oiZ 2012&13 dk lnL;rk Qhl dbZ lnL;ksa dh vHkh rd ugha vkbZ gS tcfd lky [kRe gksus dks gS vr% ,sls lnL;ksa ls fuosnu gS fd 200@& #0 viuk okfiZd ’kqYd rqjUr Jh th0,l0 jkSrsyk] lgk;d dks’kk/;{k fuokl  689] y{eh ckbZ uxj] utnhd&fnYyh gkV] ubZ fnYyh ij tek djsa o jlhn ysa A tkus ls igys muds eksokby u0  . 9899360062   ij muds ?kj esa gksus dh iqfIV dj ysa A  tks lnL; ,lksfl,’ku ds ,dkmUV esa lh/kk tek djuk pkgs og Hkh Hkkjrh; LVsV cSad ds ,dk.V u0 10825178562 esa tek djok dj bZ0esy ij gesa vo’; tkudkjh nsa A

vkids mi;ksxh lkq>koksa dk ge Lokxr djrs gSa A

vkil dk fo’okl gh lQkyrk dh dqUth gSa fdlh ds cgdkos esa u vk;sa] lgh tkudkjh ds fy;s gesa Qksu djsaA
&,e0ih0 ik.Ms;]

The on-going case in the Supreme Court last heard was on 17.01.2012. As per orders we prepared replies in case of various Interlocutory Applications filed in the present case and submitted in the Registry of this Court together with counter affidavits. Several attempts were made to get the mentioning done in the Court but in vain. Attempt is also being made to seek stay on unauthorized construction in the colony, through our efforts some demolition was carried out by Enforcement Directorate in Ph. II of our colony. Efforts were duly made to get the area developed, remove water logging by writing to concerned authorities. The Director Town & Country Planning, Haryana was requested to revise the Zoning / Demarcation plan so as to pinpoint the boundary of plot and ward off the area from encroachers.

Some of our over crazy members in pursuit of early development in the colony or in pursuance of their personal interest misguided members , spilled dirty beans in public there in connivance with other scrupulous elements. All this resulted in disunity, there by an opportunity much sought after by land mafia there to start a spurt of encroachments there.

Subsequent to submission of Court Commissioner’s report, it appears a nexus of vested interests is working against an effective hearing in the Supreme Court of India for fear of getting exposed for their overtly and covertly committed crimes.  Since 17th Jan. 2012 the case was not listed in the year 2012,  in Addl. Registrar’s Court it was asserted to be listed in regular Bench. Any way in advanced cause list it was tentatively listed for 08.02.2013 (a miscellaneous day) but in the final cause list it was not there in any of the Courts. Now it is reliably learnt that the case is likely to get listed in March again on a Miscellaneous Day. Let’s hope for the best.

It has come to our notice that some other Association which is not a party in the present case is putting information on their blog as if they the party in the case. That is their criminal activity which is liable to be sued in the Court. Hence they are requested  not to show or publish our information as their own and mislead theirs as well as our members.

            Further the AGM  is over due and the issue was placed before the Executive Body meeting on 09-02-2013. It  was decided that after a long wait we are likely get hearing to our case, all efforts be made to get  prepared for it as we have new Bench and new set of advocates, we have to brief them adequately so as not face any difficulty. So it was considered a matter of overriding priority in the hope that our esteemed members will agree with us and give their valuable support as ever and give their approval to the continuance of this Executive to achieve their cherished goal of success in the case. We assure that the AGM will be held as ever at the earliest opportunity. Though sometimes late by a few months, but we hold it continuously in contrast of other Associations who seldom hold it as per bye laws.

            As we have already requested during the last AGM & through Blog that the members who are having e-mail ID, to forward  the same to Association  so that any information be quickly supplied/shared  to them directly but only few response was acknowledge.  However, all are again requested to forward their e-mail i.d if not send earlier.

The membership subscription @ Rs. 200/- p.a. for the year 2012-13 has not been paid by some members, they are requested to pay the same immediately, if possible subscription for 2013-14 may also be paid along with it in advance, so as to save in time and efforts. The said membership be deposited with Shri GS Routela, Asstt. Treasure R/o 869,    Laxmibai Nagar, (Near Delhi Haat), New Delhi- 110023 after confirmation of his availability on Cell No. 9899360062 and get the receipt at the spot.  Members are also option to deposit the membership in Association A/C No.10825178562 with SBI under intimation to our e-mail

            Your valuable suggestion is always welcome.

            Mutual co-operation and trust is key to our success. Never give credence to rumors, feel free to contact us for factual clarification.

            -MP Pandey