Friday, November 15, 2019

Dear Members,

Ist hearing was called by the Ld. Arbitrator on 15/11/2019 after the Hon’ble  Supreme  Court  Order dated 03/10/2019.and directed to Govt to prepare the list of NPNL eligible allottees on the basis of Scrutiny Committee Report.

            Further, the Ld. Arbitrator shown displeasure about non-payment of Arbitration Fee and directed that presently the colonizer is not in picture till such time he doesn’t deposit the outstanding govt dues as per direction Hon’ble Supreme Court Order dated 03-10-2019.  However, it is directed that all participant has to pay their share within seven days otherwise their issues will be decided later on.
            All are requested to pay/deposit  the arbitration fee within seven days otherwise Association will not responsible to argue their cases before the Spl. Committee.

-Gen. Secretary,
Cell: 8750301212

Monday, October 14, 2019

Dear Friend,

Hon’ble Supreme Court has disposed off our Association WP(C) 876 on 03/10/2019 by passing 42 pages detailed order.  The Order has already been forwarded on Whatsapp for kind perusal of members.

The case referred to Ld. Arbitrator as Spl Committee to finalize the issues.

Members are advised to update their Whatsapp No. with the  Association for future information.  If any member requires the judgement to download  it by following link.


-MP Pandey,
General Secretary,

Cell No. 8750301212

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Dear Member,

            The Hon’ble Court heard the final argument of Counsels of  parties on 20th & 21st  August 2019 and reserved the order.

            The daily order of court dated 21st August  has already posted on whatsapp Group.

            Please wait the final order of Court.

                                                                                                 -Gen. Secretary

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Dear Members,

Next date of hearing is on 11th April 2019.

-General Secretary.

          2019      HAPPY   HOLI  TO  ALL  MEMBERS.