The Order dated 4th
August 2014 received and are as under:
“UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the
Learned counsel appearing
for the State of Haryana has filed a comprehensive report, inter alia, indicating
that they have complied with the orders and directions issued on
17.07.2013. Some of the learned counsels
appearing for the contesting respondents and also the petitioners intended to
file their objections to the report so filed by learned counsel for the State
of Haryana. However, Shri B.A. Khan,
learned senior counsel appearing for one of the petitioners would contend that
the objections need not be filed by any one of the parties.
In our view objections to
the report filed by the State of Haryana is really required in Order to resolve
the disputes between the parties.
Therefore, we permit the contesting respondents and also the parties who
have been impleaded to file their objections, if any, to the report within four
weeks’ time finally.
Call after four weeks.”